

My list of useful sites, mostly educational and webmaster sites. I hope you find something interesting here.
Name Description
rutracker.org C.I.S. largest torrent-tracker.
lib.ru Online library from edited txt files.
seomark.ru Website of photographer, amateur radio operator, web designer and jew Mark Rosenthal
www.almost-university.com "Almost University" of programming and other.
booktracker.org Torrent tracker, specializing in literature.
aldebaran.ru Online library with incomplete versions of books. It'll be fine for reference.
7not.ru Lessons of music theory and playing musical instruments.
music-theory.ru Music theory lessons, but easier and more accessible than 7not.
gr-oborona.ru Website of band "Grazhdanskaya Oborona" (1984-2008).
grob-hroniki.org Another site about G.O. creativity.
developer.mozilla.org Lessons of html, cs, javascript.
stallman.org Richard Matthew Stollman's home page, founder of free software foundation
www.gnu.org GNU project website.
www.debian.org Debian GNU/linux distro website.
spyware.neocities.org Articles about how different programmes and services collect data about you.
fonegallery.narod.ru Website backgrounds.
htmlbook.ru Self-teacher and directory of html and css.
ndr.abrbus.ru People ' s Heritage runet Site.
www.linux.org.ru Social network / news portal about linux and free programmes
www.opennet.ru Free (freedom) software news.
gifcities.org Heffer's power is once on the geotown. We recommend it through the archives.
wikireality.ru Vikiprojekt, as described in the roll, Wikisphere and others.
cyclowiki.org Universal Wikiencyclopedia, leading alternative to Ru Wikipedia.
ru.wikipedia.org Russian-speaking section of Wikipedia.
www.krugosvet.ru "Popular science" online encyclopedia.
Free (freedom), free (freebie), safe and confidential services.
duckduckgo.com Confidential search.
www.startpage.com Theme for Google.
mega.nz Safe Repository.
internxt.com It's also a safe repository.
cryptpad.fr Online documentation services.
neocities.org Free host. Tell him thanks for hosting this site.
libretranslate.com Free online translation. Tell him thanks for translating this site.
notabug.org "Free code hosting"